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Post a salary Job

Job Offers for Companies 💼

To post a job offer on behalf of a company, go to our job posting page. This space allows you to fill out and customize various aspects of the offer, ensuring the information is clear and detailed to attract the most suitable candidates.

Key Aspects to Include in Your Announcement

  • Job Title: Provide a precise and descriptive title that summarizes the essence of the role. 🏷. For example, do not write job offers like "Programmer wanted" but "PHP programmer with experience in Laravel wanted".

  • Job Description: Provide a detailed description that includes responsibilities, required skills, and any other relevant details. 📝

  • Type of Work: Specify the employment modality, for salaried jobs we choose the employee role in the tab.

How to fill out a job offer

Once the salaried employment role is selected, we must indicate whether the work will be done full-time, part-time, etc.:

  • Employee (Full-Time, 100% Remote Full-Time) 🏢
  • Hybrid (% Remote) 🏡
  • Internship 🎓
  • Volunteer 🙌
  • Other (for specific cases not covered in the previous categories)

Additional Options

  • Annual Salary: If desired, you can opt to publish the salary range for the position. 💵

  • Payment Currency: By default, the currency set is the Euro (€), offering the flexibility to select other currencies, such as the American Dollar ($). 💶 💵

Job Categories and Tags 🗂

On our platform, we classify job offers into a variety of categories to facilitate search and selection by candidates and companies. Some of the categories currently available for posting a job offer include:

  • Technology and Engineering: Fullstack, Frontend, Backend, Crypto, Developer, Engineer 💻
  • Marketing and Finance: Marketing, Finance 📊
  • Executive and Senior Roles: Executive, Senior 💼
  • And Others: For categories that do not fit the above


You can also include tags which allow you to specify even more the desired characteristics in candidates. For example, if you are looking for a Frontend Developer specialized in React with knowledge of the Agile methodology, you can use the tags React and Agile to further define your ad 🔎.

Email Registration

Considerations for Companies Outside the EU

For companies located outside the European Union 🌐, it is important to note that taxes such as VAT do not apply. In these cases, the corresponding box must be checked to indicate this situation.

Payment Methods for Salaried Job Offers

At TrabajosOnline, we offer various options for the publication and payment of job offer ads, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for companies of all sizes. Below are our payment options:

Rates for Companies

We have a variety of company plans that adapt to the needs and budget of each organization. Here we include options like the publication of multiple job offers, access to the candidate database, and promotion of the brand on our platform. The basic rates for companies are as follows:

Annual Subscription Basic Plan
Annual Subscription Premium Plan

For more information, interested companies can consult our rates and advanced plans in the Company Plans section of our website.

Express Posting of Ads

We offer the possibility to post ads express on our platform, using the secure payment gateway of Stripe 💳, or through DeFi for those who prefer decentralized payment options 🔒. You can directly access our ad page for more information and to proceed with the publication.

Payment through payment platform